MRDR staff

Dr Elizabeth Moore - MRDR Research Fellow 

Elizabeth is Research Fellow with the MRDR and Steering Committee member of the Asia-Pacific MRDR; she contributes to many registry-related studies, oversees the activities of the registry and satellite projects, and liaises with MRDR partners. She is an investigator in the MRFF-funded MY-PROMPT-2 trial to assess whether real-time feedback of patient-reported outcomes to clinicians at clinic visits improves duration on therapy in patients with relapsed myeloma; she led the proof-of-concept trial which informed this project. 


Dr Tracy Zhang - MRDR Research Officer

Tracy is the MRDR Research Officer. She works on many registry-based projects including the Myeloma 1000 Biobank. Tracy's role with the registry includes managing the ethics and governance requirements for the MRDR and Myeloma 1000 Biobank sites, liaising with site staff to support data collection, coordinating the logistics of biobank sample reception, and supporting the needs of numerous studies. 



Dr Cameron Wellard - MRDR Data Manager


As Data Manager, Cameron is responsible for the data management of the MRDR and provides key leadership and support for the registry. Cameron works closely with other MRDR staff and the steering committee to ensure the accuracy and quality of the data. Cameron has experience across a diverse range of research fields including physics, mathematical biology and cancer epidemiology.Cameron provides key leadership and support for the registry and is responsible for the data management of the MRDR. He works closely with other MRDR staff and the steering committee to ensure the accuracy and quality of the data, provides support to researchers conducting MRDR-based studies, and plays an important role in providing reports to stakeholders, including the pharmaceutical industry. Cameron has experience across a diverse range of research fields including physics, mathematical biology and cancer epidemiology.



Dr Yaye (Yayehirad) Melsew - Senior Data Officer

As the Senior Data Officer for the Transfusion Research Unit (TRU), Yaye works on data management and analysis within malignant haematology and transfusion medicine. He holds a BSc in Medical Laboratory Science, a Master of Public Health, and a PhD in Epidemiology from Monash University. Yaye's extensive experience includes teaching, data management, analysis, and research. He makes a significant contribution to the MRDR along with other registries and clinical trials of the TRU.